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Current Event

Title: Study Finds New ADHD Genes, Like Susceptibility With Autism and Other Neuropsychiatric Conditions

Date: August 10, 2011


 New research has showed that there was more genes that are involved with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and that there’s an overlap with some other genes that are found in other conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Scientists used gene-chip technology to analyze CNVs (Copy Number Variants) and found out that 3 of 173 childern they found spontaneous CNVs while they found out that rare ones were in 19 out of 248. In a different group that had been recognized as patients with a different Neuropsychiatric conditions had 9 out of 349 that carried them (which are related, by the way). The finding indicate that some CNVs, who play a casual role in ADHD, show common susceptibility in other neuropsychiatric disorders.

“For the first time, we’ve tested these genetic alterations in ADHD and have a pretty good handle on a couple of decent ADHD candidate genes,” said Scherer, who’s a Professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics. “This is critical, as it gave us confidence in interpreting our results.”

Most humans that have ADHD have at least one other contidion while 75% of people ASD also have attention deficits or hyperactivity.

ADHD is a common disorder that affects 4% of school-age childern worldwide. Roughly, ASDs are diagnosed 1 in 100 childern in North America.

What you found most interesting about the article and why:

Considering that I have a family member that has ADHD, I found this article to satisfy my curiosity about this disorder… For now, anyways. I loved how it talked about the research as well as the different possibilities. Meaning, the challenges and the disorders that could be there.

~ by Tyler on .

One Response to “Current Event”

  1. I found the article very intersting- I hope that this leads to better treatment of the disorder. Great job on your summary! 100%

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